Homemade Toothpaste

Homemade powder toothpaste
Homemade powder toothpaste

I started this project with the though of replacing my child toothpaste with a homemade one.  But before I give it to him I wanted to test it on myself.    I've been using it for about two weeks and I love it.  I got the basic powder recipe from PBS website (Link to PBS).

4 Tbsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp flavoring (such as vanilla, spearmint, peppermint extract)
Air tight container

Mix all ingredients and store in air tight container.

Various from this basic recipe are below.
Since I didn't have any essential oils when I first put this together,  I used 1/4 tsp vanilla extract and a dash of cinnamon powder. I also used fine sea salt instead of regular salt.  With this combination, the baking soda taste doesn't bother me.  My next batch I am going to use spearmint.


  1. Since making this recipe I have removed vanilla extract and cinnamon powder and added essential oils such as grapefruit and wintergreen. I love combination of these two oils.


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